Online Press Release

Distribution Services

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Press Release

News Site


Media Contacts


Search Engines


Associated Press

"Yes I am happy with the results; got an interview from a staff reporter at CNN Money. Had to take photos of myself with the Genie over the weekend. He is doing a series of articles on inventors."
"I have already referred your services to another business associate. I am sure they have already contacted you. I would like to use your services in the future."
"I just wanted to let you know as account manager, your service has been exceptional! We really enjoy working with you and look forward to adding services. Much appreciated."

Our Distribution Network

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Search Engines

Almost all online activity begins with a search engine

Radio News Sites

have vibrant news websites that present their content online.


Major news websites draw large segments of people every day looking for national & business news.

Industry News

Trade and industry media have been significant parts of the areas they represent


We Offer...

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Targeted media distribution

Targeted media distribution is the buzz word in the press release distribution sector as it helps companies reach their news releases strategically to specific media outlets, reporters, editors and online and offline publication resources that are relevant to their business niche.
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Web Distribution

AB Newswire offers web based distribution services that help our clients get the widest coverage for their press releases on more than 500 news-based websites, and on over 100 Facebook and Twitter accounts each that are news-specific. 
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Press Release Writing

Distributing a press release well is just half the job done. The other half of the job is to ensure that your message is conveyed to your audience.
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